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Protect Your Content - Patent Pending CryptoCopyright Now Available - Undeniable Proof of Ownership!

Hi Minato,

One of the most common problems with article writing services is that they do not provide their customers with verifiable proof of ownership... protection... a way to ensure that the content that you paid for is yours, that it won't be used by someone else - you own it, it is your asset...
  • Perhaps you have had content stolen from your website and needed a way to undeniably prove your ownership?  
  • How do you prove the content writers create on your behalf is in fact yours, when it was created and that you have proof?  
  • Maybe you have had your content scraped from your site and have tried to have the offender them take it down without success?
  • How do you prove this to Google so that your content is protected, that you get the credit for it?

We have revolutionized the way in which creative works ownership can be 100% verified, trusted and proven to anyone...

To read how your content can be protected for free with our Creative Works Services, click here to read our news release!

To your Niche Success!
~ Jason Arnold

PS - All Original Articles, Authority Builder, Niche Dominator and Guest Blogging services include CryptoCopyright TM at no additional Cost!

#2100-700-2nd Street SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2W1, Canada

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